
Content services

Content services are services ordered and delivered via SMS, MMS or internet.

The price of the service is determined by the content provider. Examples of content services may be:

  • Inquiries from 1880 and 1881
  • Purchase of goods where you use your mobile phone to pay (such as parking meters)
  • Voting (eg Norway’s Talents or the Eurovision Song Contest)
  • Ringtones, games and wallpapers
  • Services of telephone banking



Many content services are subscription based. This means that the supplier charges you regularly per week or per month for continual usage of the service. You can cancel the service by sending the code word STOP or STOPP to the number you receive the service from.

You can also contact Mycall Customer Service to get all such services blocked.

  • We offer the following limitations for content services:
  • Barring for receiving all content services
  • Barring of calls to premium rate numbers

Limit the amount for content services: you can set a certain limit (for example, 100kr) per month to be used for the content services. Then only this amount will be deducted from your subscription / prepaid card per calendar month for the use of the content services.


When your phone connects to a foreign network, we will send you an SMS with the prices for the country you are in. It costs nothing to receive this.

  • To stop price info via SMS while abroad: Send SMS STOP to 75025
  • To start the service again, send SMS START to 75025


Complaints and questions about the content services can be directed to Mycall, which takes the case further with the content provider. If wish to contact the content provider directly, you can do so as well. Some content providers have several short telephone numbers that can appear on your invoice.

On 1 November, all Teletorg services (820/822/829 number) will be transferred from the mobile operators to Strex. This is due to an EU requirement, which also limits how much you can spend via Strex.
Limits on the use of Strex
The table below shows the limits for payment with Strex. The limits depend on whether the user is registered with Strex and the user’s age, and whether a payment card has been registered with Strex. Register with Strex and you will get a higher limit. Read more