
Explanation of invoice



As a new customer, you pay the subscription fee both for the month you became a customer, and for the coming month. This means that if, for example, you have ordered the subscription on the 15th of the month, you will see only half the monthly fee on the invoice. You also get only half of the included call minutes, SMS / MMS and data. 

After the first invoice you only get one monthly subscription fee per invoice.


The reason for this is usually the use of services that are not included in the monthly subscription:

  • Calls to special numbers (eg. 5-digit numbers)
  • Content Services (such as parking fees or voting by SMS)
  • Used more than what is included in your mobile plan 
  • Use of phone abroad

See page two of the invoice for the full explanation of mobile usage. You can also view call details on My Pages.

What happens if I forget to pay an invoice?

If you forget to pay the invoice, you will receive a reminder from us via SMS, but if we have not received the payment within 2 weeks from the due date, there will be a reminder fee of 35, - added to the next invoice. If the invoice hasn’t been paid before the reminders due date, an additional fee of NOK 35 will be added to the next invoice.

If you have not paid the invoice or the reminder invoice by the due date, your subscription will be blocked with a closing fee of NOK 249, which will be added to the next invoice.

Debt Collection

Invoices that are not paid by the due date will be transferred to debt collection. For the fastest possible reopening, the debt collection case must be paid via our invoice partner, Kredinor. You can log on their site in with bankID to find the payment information you need.