
- Fit Day with Polish fitness instructors

date: 26. Mai 2018
place: Ekeberghallen Oslo
start: 10:00

We would love to invite all women for an active day with MyCall to celebrate Polish Mother's Day! Men are more than welcome. :)

Trainings will be leaded by:

Day plan:

  • 10:00 - registration. Each participant must sign a statement that she/he is of age, healthy and participates in the event at own risk.
  • 10:30 - training 45 min for beginners / Anka Dziedzic
  • 11:30 - trening 45 min for beginners / Qczaj
  • 12:30 - lecture about health and nutrition, led by clinical nutritionist Paulina Borkowska
  • 12:50 - break with motivasion speech with instructors and clinical nutritionist
  • 13:30 - training 60 min for advanced / Anka Dziedzic
  • 14:40 - training 60 min for advanced / Qczaj
  • 15:40 - trekke av premmier & bilder med instruktører